Request for Proposals - Legal Services

The Cambridge Retirement System is seeking proposals from qualified individuals/firms to provide legal services consistent with MGL Chapter 32 and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regulations 840 CMR-Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission.

To receive a copy of the Request for Proposals (“RFP”), please contact Ellen K. Philbin, All questions regarding the RFP must be sent electronically to

Please be aware that any submissions may be reviewed and discussed at a public meeting of the Cambridge Retirement Board.  Under the Massachusetts Public Records Law, all materials included on the agenda of a public meeting are subject to release upon request.  The Cambridge Retirement Board is unable to withhold or redact any portion of the record once it is reviewed by the Board.  No portion of your proposal should be marked as “confidential” or any other words to that effect.

Proposals shall be accepted until 1:00 pm on Wednesday, September 5, 2018. Late proposals will be rejected.  The Board reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.