RFP Issued - Timber Fund
The Cambridge Retirement Board is considering an allocation to a global or domestic timber Fund which excludes REITs. Cambridge Retirement Board is looking for a timber fund or a timber and farmland fund. The mandate will be for approximately $25 million. Individual contracts will be awarded and stated in accordance with M.G.L. Ch. 32 and all applicable investment guidelines administered by PERAC. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all proposals at its discretion or to select more than one manager and to determine the amount of assets each will manage. MBE and WMBE are strongly encouraged to participate.
Proposal must be received at the Board prior to 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 13, 2017. Proposals will not be accepted after the closing date and time. Please direct questions pertaining to the Request for Proposal via email only to bostonrfp@segalrc.com.