Request for Proposals - Passive Equity Funds

The Cambridge Retirement Board (“Board”) are considering allocations to Passive Domestic & International Equity products. The Index Funds (“Proposed Products”) for consideration are as follows:

  • Russell 1000 Index Fund- Mandate size of approximately $260 million;
  • Russell 2000 Index Fund- Mandate size of approximately $130 million;
  • MSCI EAFE Index Fund- Mandate size of approximately $75 million;
  • MSCI EM Index Fund- Mandate size of approximately $60 million.

Individual contracts will be awarded and stated in accordance with M.G.L. Ch. 32 and all applicable investment guidelines administered by the Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission (“PERAC”). MBE and WMBE are strongly encouraged to participate.

Proposals must be received at the Board prior to 3:00 p.m. EST on Monday, October 29, 2018. Proposals will not be accepted after the closing date and time. The RFP can be found at